速報APP / 教育 / ECG Master - Quiz, Exam, Explanation, St

ECG Master - Quiz, Exam, Explanation, St



檔案大小:46.6 MB


版本需求:需要 iOS 8.0 或以上版本。與 iPhone、iPad 及 iPod touch 相容。


ECG Master - Quiz, Exam, Explanation, Statistic(圖1)-速報App

ECG Master is a unique mobile application to help health professional, medical students, general practitioners, interns, residents, and medical specialist to sharpen their skills in reading electrocardiogram (ECG). ECG Master provides quizzes and exams. All of the ECG quizzes are provided with relevant ECG images, most of them are 12-leads ECG. There are a total of 200++ questions on ECG Master and will be updated if possible. All of the quizzes and answers are already reviewed, however, there is no assurance if all the information given are correct, precise, or up-to-date.

All of the contents in ECG Master are given for free. All of the ECG images are taken from Wikimedia Commons and attributed properly. Upgrading the ECG Master to pro version will give access to the quiz explanation, statistic feature, and remove all of the ads. All of the main features of ECG Master are:

- ECG Quiz

The database contains 200++ ECG quiz with several topics, such as atrial and ventricular abnormalities, impulse formation abnormalities, impulse conduction abnormalities, ischemic heart disease, and other categories. All of the ECG quiz databases are available, even on the free version.

- ECG Images

ECG Master - Quiz, Exam, Explanation, Statistic(圖2)-速報App

All of the ECG quizzes are provided with relevant ECG images. Most of the ECG images given are 12-leads ECG.

- Relevant Explanation

There is specific explanation for each question in ECG quiz. The explanation given is simple, precise, and relevant to the case to make it easier to memorize. However, the explanation feature is only available in pro version.

- Statistic Feature

All of the records when taking exams or quizzes are stored automatically. This feature includes development graphic of the quiz score from time to time for each ECG quiz category.

ECG Master - Quiz, Exam, Explanation, Statistic(圖3)-速報App


- ECG quiz database is stored locally, so the application size is a little bit bigger.

- ECG Master is not intended for the purpose of providing medical advice! All of the contents are for informational and educational purpose only.

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ECG Master - Quiz, Exam, Explanation, Statistic(圖4)-速報App



ECG Master - Quiz, Exam, Explanation, Statistic(圖5)-速報App

支援平台:iPhone, iPad